Saturday, September 3, 2011

On Becoming a Buddhist

This is a first for me.  I have kept diaries and I even did a diet journal that could be viewed by people participating in the plan.  I have a vague memory of starting one when I had a Myspace or a Livejournal but I am not sure.  So why now?  I have made a decision to become a Buddhist and I think this journey is going to require lots of journaling.  I suppose the similarity in the words tells us they are related and that this is appropriate.  Ordinarily, this would be a private affair and I really don't see being followed but I welcome any thoughts and feedback anyone who happens across these words cares to share.  Where to begin--
I am 59 which is pretty old to be starting any vision quest but it is in front of me to do.  I have studied some Buddhist ideas for many many years.  For the most part I have agreed with what I have read but have never made any commitment to follow its ethics or be a practicing Buddhist.  As a kid I remember hearing something about the cause of suffering being selfishness and it making sense to me.  Of course, I had mistaken ideas about what is meant by the self and what is meant by suffering.  Then in college I studied Buddhism.  I was a philosophy major and it was required.  During college I also learned Transcendental Meditation.  My interest in TM was very much based on the health benefits of regular meditation.  Many years later I came across Wicca.  I was interested in a nature based religion, thinking that it is our separation from what is natural that causes so much confusion.  During that time I was reacquainted with the idea of karma and reincarnation and also meditation.  Then, just a few years ago I went to a lecture on meditation as practiced by Zen Buddhists.  In my correspondence with the teacher I made a decision to call my self a Buddhist and really devote myself to the practice.  As they say you can never really understand someone or something until you take that leap of faith and commit to it or them.  Where I live there is little in the way of getting instruction but thankfully there is the internet.  I found a yahoo group and that led me to a website and I am on my way!  So my plan is to go through the teaching on the website as suggested and learn and read and practice and reflect and blog.          

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